Pediatric Dentistry
Dr. Cheng loves working with children and watching them grow up with beautiful smiles. He has patients as young as one year old, the recommended age that a child should have their first dental visit. Many young patients who grew up with Dr. Cheng’s care have healthy teeth and love coming to see us!
General Dentistry
From preventive treatment to restorative treatment, Dr. Cheng will make dentistry for children fun, safe and gentle. Healthy teeth start with preventive care, including but not limited routine exams, cleanings, fluoride application and dental sealants. Sealants are resin filling material bonded to the chewing surfaces of decay-prone posterior teeth; these "fillings" do not require any drilling of teeth and serve to protect teeth from cavities. We will teach you techniques to help with your child's hygiene during difficult teething months as well as teach children to brush, floss and continue to practice good oral hygiene at home.
Interceptive Orthodontic Appliances
One type of interceptive orthodontic appliance
Interceptive orthodontic appliances refer to dental appliances that work to change the shape of the jaw and in the process, help align the teeth as a child grows. The primary teeth, commonly called “baby teeth" play an important role is the proper development of the jaw and lay the groundwork for guiding the permanent "adult" teeth into place. Proper development of both primary and permanent teeth affects proper speech and digestion, and can enhance the quality of life for people of all ages. Dr. Cheng has training in helping children and their parents achieve straighter teeth and avoid the need for braces with interceptive orthodontic appliances.
Spotlight Cases
Pediatric Case #1: Before, an eleven year old patient had an anterior crossbite - her lower front two teeth are protruding in front of two of her upper front teeth. After just one month into treatment with an interceptive orthodontic appliance, the patient's anterior crossbite was no longer present. One year later with appliance modifications, the upper and lower midlines difference has improved dramatically as seen in the second photo. The patient is still undergoing treatment to ensure all her permanent teeth continue to align well.
Pediatric Case #2: Results after use of interceptive orthodontic appliance
Pediatric Case #3: Supernumerary teeth, also known as hyperdontia or extra teeth (indicated by arrows), were found in this young patient. They were successfully extracted without complications.